Sailo Privacy Policy

Welcome to Travel Sailo! This Privacy Policy outlines how Travel Sailo ("we," "us," or "our") collects, uses, and protects your information. By accessing or using our mobile applications, websites, call-center, and other products and services (collectively, the "Services"), you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

1. Services and Application

This Privacy Policy applies to all users ("Users") of our applications and/or Services, as well as drivers, partner transportation companies, or any other persons who use the Travel Sailo platform under license ("Drivers").

2. Collection of Information

Information You Provide to Us

We collect information you directly provide to us when accessing or using the Services, such as creating or modifying your account, requesting on-demand services, and contacting customer support. This may include your name, email address, phone number, postal address, profile picture, payment method, financial and credit card information, and other information you choose to provide.

Please note that our Services are not intended for individuals under 18 years old, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from them.

Information We Collect Through Your Use of Our Services

When using our Services, we collect personal information ("Personal Information") and demographic information ("Demographic Information"). Personal Information includes details like name, contact information, and payment data. Demographic Information includes non-personal details such as device information, browsing history, and location data.

We also use GPS technology to provide location-based services. If you use these features, you consent to the use of your data for this purpose.

Information We Collect From Other Sources

We may combine information from third parties with Personal Data we receive from you or collect through our Services. For instance, if you link your account to a payment provider or social media service, we may receive information from that service.

3. Contact List Collection for SOS Feature:

User Consent: We will only access your device's contact list and collect contacts for the SOS feature with your explicit consent. You will have the choice to grant or deny access to your contact list.

Limited Collection: We will not collect the entire contact list from your device. Instead, we will only collect the contacts that you choose to include in your SOS list. These contacts will be used solely for the purpose of the SOS feature.

Confidentiality: Your contact list, including the contacts you select for the SOS feature, will not be shared with any third parties. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information and contacts.

Opt-Out: You will have the ability to add, modify, or remove contacts from your SOS list at any time through the app's settings. You can also revoke access to your contact list, and any previously collected contacts for the SOS feature will be deleted.

4. Use of Personal Data

We use Personal Data to provide, maintain, and improve our Services, perform internal operations, send communications, ensure safety, and personalize the experience. We may also share aggregated and anonymized data with third parties.

5. Storage and Transfer of Personal Data

We may transfer and store Personal Data globally, including in regions with varying data protection laws. By submitting your data, you agree to such transfer, storage, or processing. We take measures to protect your data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

6. Sharing of Personal Data
Depending upon the purposes for which we have collected your Personal Data, we may share your Personal Data:

End Users and Drivers

We may share your Personal Data:

1. With Travel Salio Affiliates;
2.With third parties that we use to carry out work on our behalf or to perform a contract, we enter into with them, including:
Google, in connection with the use of Google Maps in the Travel Sailo Platform (see Google's privacy policy for information on their collection and use of data).

  1. vendors who help us verify identity, background information, or who screen users in connection with sanctions, anti-money laundering, fraud or know-your-customer requirements. In some cases, these service providers may retain identity documents that are suspected to be fraudulent for the purpose of identifying fraud in the future;
  2. cloud storage providers;
  3. payment processors and facilitators;
  4. marketing partners and marketing platform providers, including social media advertising services, advertising networks, third-party data providers, and other service providers that help us understand you better as a user and measure advertising effectiveness;
  5. vendors that assist Travel Sailo to enhance the safety and security of our Services;
  6. consultants, lawyers, accountants, and other professional service providers;
  7. financing partners; and
  8. financial institutions, such as banks we partner with to offer joint products.
  9. With third parties to market their products or services to you if you have agreed to receive promotional updates;
  10. If we otherwise notify you and you consent to the sharing;
  11. With a claims processor or an insurer to provide any necessary information (including your contact information) if there is a complaint, dispute or conflict, which may include an accident, involving you and another party and such information or data is necessary to resolve the complaint, dispute or conflict; and
  12. With third parties in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by or into another company.

End Users only

We may share your Personal Data:

  1. At your request, such as when you agree to share your ETA and location with a friend; Or use the emergency SOS feature.
  2. With drivers, to enable them to provide the Services you request. For example, we share your name and pickup and/or drop-off locations with drivers;
  3. With third parties with whom you choose to let us share your Personal Data, including other applications or websites that integrate with our API or Services, or those with an API or service with which we integrate;

Drivers only

  1. With End Users, to enable them to identify you and your vehicle;
  2. With your employer or the third-party transportation company your driver account is associated with; and
  3. With insurance companies or providers of fleet financing solutions whose product offerings we consider may be of interest to you.
  4.  Your Choices
  5. You can opt-out of receiving communications and delete your data. If required by law, we'll erase or archive your Personal Information.

8. Security Precautions

While we strive to protect your data, no transmission over the internet is guaranteed to be 100% secure. You share data at your own risk.

9. Contact Us

For questions, comments, or complaints about this Privacy Policy or data processing, please contact us at


Travel Sailo